Saturday, January 06, 2007

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme

Just one of the crowd these days. Boxing Day Cricket @ the MCG

First of all thank you very much to everyone for your support since my emotional avalance a few days ago. It really means alot to me that i have such caring freinds both at home and abroad. I can't thank you all enough. It was just one of those nights where the world caved in around me and i just had to let out what was building up inside. Last night after i got home from work i watched the first "Rocky" film from start to finish. For some reason i just felt like hearing a bit of "Yo Adrian!!!" to keep the happiness levels up. I half way through Rocky 2.

Well since then i have been well. My mind has cleared up and i'm trying to make the most of my time at home however long that is. Whereas a few days ago i would have tried to compare my last adventure with my upcoming one (my mums theory which was correct) i now see it not as a continuation but another part of the journey that is my life. It will open me up to new adventures and experiences and thats exciting. What's more exciting is that my brother is getting married in 6 weeks. It never really dawned on me that he was until yesterday when i was swapping emails with him about his bucks night in a couple of weeks. Even though Chris and the lovely Narelle have been together longer than the existence of the PlayStation* (*subject to information check) the actual concept of marriage seemed so grown-up. Grown-up stuff is left to the grown ups and not to my brother who is 31 and loves professional wrestling.

Still the concept of my brother getting married may ask questions about me. I'm sure one time during the day someone at the gig will turn to me beverage in hand and slighty slur "so whens it your turn lil' Pepper?" Well i'm buggered if i know and that's the way i like it. Still i know it's going to be a fantastic day and i'm really looking forward to it. So life these days has gone from the Wilson Phillips inspired "Hold on for One More Day" attitude to a Gladys Knight "I've really got to use my Imagination" vibe. Why Gladys? Because in order for me to make the most of my time here i have to keep myself occupied. Right now i'm writing to you all* ( *all meaning 4--subject to headcount) which i enjoy and i'm getting back into the gym again. Hurrah!

But why the Simon and Garfunkel inspired title of this blog? Because Scarborough Fair was playing when i started writing this and i like that song.

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