Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy 80th Birthday Nanna

The grandkids got the chance to blow out the candles.

What are the three best exports from Germany ever?

1. Porsche
2. Sauerkraut
3. My nanna

Now my Nanna is the perfect candidate for the concept of "tough love." She's honest to the point of brutal, i've never seen her laugh more than once a year, she's active as ever and even though shes slowing down a bit, she is a model of German engineering. As much as she has the capacity to infuriate the shite out of me she only does it out of love and that's why i love her so much. She's as subtle as a sledgehammer. We have a nickname for her... "The General."

Today at the Williamstown RSL 40 of nanna's closest (immediate family), oldest (freindships from her days in Yarraville that started 40 years ago) and newest (that includes you Sab) friends shared in the celebration of this extrordinary womans life. I have stated before that i'm very very lucky to have sucha great network of family and friends and today was a perfect example. Everyone got on with everyone and there were plenty of laughs from all over the room.

Add to the fact that the roast we had today was sensational (i couldn't eat all of mine..check Sabs blog for the pics of my food to find out why) and they served Chocolate Crackles (mmmmmm) and it was just a lovely Sunday afternoon. Throughout the day Nan opened her presents and one of them was a foot massager. I'm afraid with my feet and the toxins imbedded in them that i would sent the foot massager back to the Stone Age.

I have so much admiration for Nan. She and her husband came to Australia fleeing Europe after World War II to start a new life here. Not knowing any English, they were sent to an Immagration Camp in one of the hottest parts of Australia. They slept in tin sheds and my Nan gave birth to mum under an Orange Tree. She is one tough woman and i've never asked her about the war.

This year Nan jus wanted a small party with the family which we alll know as code for "i wanna big party." Nan actually cried a little today (That's two German things i have seen break down. The other was the Berlin Wall) because she knows how important she is to everyone and how much we all love her.

Happy Birthday Nan and yes i'll keep my room tidy.

1 comment:

A girl lost in the Universe said...

I couldn't believe your usual steely Nann actually cried....It was a lovely Gathering and wonderful to see your whole family a last time before leaving...I'll really miss your family pudden!!!