Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Cass and I

Since being back in Melbourne i have had the time to catch up with old freinds and try to catch up on lost time. One of the wonderful things i have been able to do is find out how peoples lives have progressed. Even though i bitch and moan that Melbourne is still the same, the peoples lives who i am slowly becoming more involved in have changed as well...the best example is our good friend Cassidy.

Since she has returned from Hong Kong ( a day after she was sitting at Yuen Long McCafe whilst her plane was leaving the runway at Hong Kong International Airport) she has entered a graduate program, got herself in shape, found herself a nice boy (who she just loves soo much) and now she's in a place in her life where it's all about building a foundation for the future. Where as I want to continue travelling while i can and see as much as i can. With Cass now up the road at the HQ of "Company X" i'm really happy that there is someone i know close by and who lives on the same side of town as i.

It's been great to catch up with Cass again and see a side of her that is her true side. Last night we had a couple of drinks at a pub in the city (Young & Jacksons it was Sab) and just had a graet chat about life, love, travelling and the future. The Cassidy we saw in Hong Kong isn't the true Cass and I hope that one day that Sab, Candace and Martine will see the real person and not the one we remember. Last night after work we went down to the Yarra River to record a couple of Australia Day messages for Sab, Candace & Martine (which you will receive hopefully by the end of the week) and just acted like a couple of dicks.

We are off to the movies on Tightass Tuesday to see "The Pursuit of Happiness" which even though is a guaranteed tear-jerker, looks like a pretty good film. Sometimes you forget why you were friends with people in the first place but now that i have the opportunity to hang out more with Cass, i think we are going to have some good times in Melbourne ahead.

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