Thursday, February 15, 2007

I have to get a couple things off my Chest

I hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day wherever you are in the world and that you got spoilt by your loved one. Valentine's Day is a nice day but i beleive one day isn't enough to show ones love for your partner but more on that well....not in this update.

Anyways Valentine's Day started off as another day here in Melbourne. I got up, got ready for work, got on the train into the city..blah blah blah. All i think about at work is getting out of work and heading to the gym to exercise my guts off later in the night. Just so you know nothing romantic is in this story...c'mon people...this is me you are talking about. The guy who upon seeing a girl he sort of liked in Primary School at a bar whilst i was in Uni and the first thing i said to her after not seeing her for about 12 years was "I remember inviting you to my grade one birthday party!" I've always been so smoooth with the ladies...

In one of the strangest injuries ever to come anywhere near my person whilst running on the treadmill again tonight i felt a strange sensation on my chest. It wasn't heart related by the way.Now i have been working out the hardest i have ever trained in my life the past 6 weeks and the results are showing but this time around i had to stop halfway through my 5km run on the treadmill.

I was setting a good pace and looking to run the 5km in about 30-31 mins when about the 17 min mark my nipples started to get sore. Obviously with the running motion my boozies are going up and down faster than what they are used to. With this fast boozie motion and the rubbing of them up against my shirt i was not expecting this type of setback. Maybe a tinge in the hamstring or calf but not my man boobs! I was trying to run through it but it got too sore and i had to stop about 3kms in.

I haven't felt a discomfort like that before and now i have to Vasaline my nips before i go to the gym. Next thing you know its ice...Showgirls style but let's not go there.

On slightly less disgusting matters the Pepper household is counting down the days till Sunday at 4p.m. The weather for the lovely outdoor wedding in the lovely Rose Garden will be avery comfortable 38 Degrees!!! It's going to be a stinker this weekend in Mebourne but i'll be wearing the strongest deodourant short of Liquid Nitrogen.

I'm really looking forward to the day and i have Monday off which is nice. I feel like going out tomorrow night but i'll see how the other guys feel about a night at the local 80's night. Saturday I have Stav's (or as my brother calls him "The Late Night Lamb Sandwhich" - he's Greek) 30th birthday and i may head down to the shopping centre and get a couple nice shirts to wear as my stocks are running low (because they are getting too big wooooohoooo!!!) and i got paid today which helps.

Oh thank god for payday :)


A girl lost in the Universe said...

you're doing well pudden just don't over-do it

Joyfulone said...

totally agree with sab.

also, you can put band-aids on your bozzies rather than greasing them up with vaseline stipper-style!


Anonymous said...

look from someone that is suffering from over doing it at the gym take it easy defintiely not worth it in the long run!

good job though punk! sorry to hear about the bozzies