Wednesday, August 02, 2006

As a member of the free press...

Yes thats me and yes i am now a distinguished representative of the worlds press. I got one just for laughs or in the insane attempt to gain access as part of the media scrum to major sporting events around the world.

Welcome to Bangkok where a fake press pass,student card or university degree is only 15 minutes away. We are back at our favourite stomping ground Kho San Road which is the epicentre for backpackers who are making their own journeys around South East Asia. We arrived late last night as our plane was delayed from Manila but rest assured Sab and I found a bed at our local hotel we stay at here. Our room is across from the room we stayed at the first time in Bangkok in 2004.

For anyone who doesn't know Room 415 holds plenty of memories for Sab and I. It was the room where our former work colleauge Mel who travelled with us to Samui got some action with a Pommy backpacker on New Years Eve and decided to tell Sab the whole story about it the next morning. It happened on the bed that Sab had to share with Mel..gross.

Anyway Bangkok is still the same. Its big, dirty,charming and full of energy. We checked in last night and this morning organised a tour to the Bridge on the River Kwai and also our visa to Laos. We are also going to see some Thai Kickboxing at Bangkok's version of Madison Square Garden tomorrow night.

Besides organising we did a little shopping. I purchased a couple pairs of long board shorts and some DVD movies to carry us over on our trip to watch. So tonight we are just going to take it easy and watch another movie in our room. We are over temples and we have been here before so there isn't anything new to see here.

So that's about it and as all journalists say ...

"This is Mark Pepper in Bangkok reporting for 'Peps Place.'"

Hehe..i like the sound of that.

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