Thursday, February 01, 2007

Progress, Anniversaries and Other Stuff

Well the results are in. In 22 days since i started at the gym i have lost 3.4 kgs.

On Jan 1 and the day i started at the gym (Jan 13) i weighed in at 91.4 and this morning i jumped on the scales and saw that i was down to 88! I'm really pleased with my progress thus far and enjoying going to the gym. As i said in my last update, i have negleted my body for far too long and i know this time around that i won't be sliding back into the same old routine of a temporary exercise high followed by a long period of self doubt.

In fact tonight i went to my second spinning class. The first one i went to was about 4 years ago and i thought the whole point of the exercise was to ride for 45 minutes. I myself was so out of shape that afterwards i went straight to bed and slept for 15 hours. I couldnt even change out of the clothes i spun in i was too stuffed. I said to myself "never again" so i came into tonight thinking "just take it easy and see how you go."

45 minutes of hard cycling later, my shirt was drenched in sweat in such a way it was impossible for more sweat to attach itself to any garment so it decided to forma fine film between the hairs on everypart of my body. I was sweating so much that even my headphones were popping out of my ears at regular intervals. the seesion felt at times like someone was stabbing me in my quads with a blunt axe head yet i wanted more..i wanted more sweat..i wanted more pain.

That's the difference this time around. I'm accepting the pain and trying to work with it rather than against it. As crazy as that sounds i can't explain what happened in my head those few weeks ago and the impact it had on me. I feel refreshed and i'm looking forward to more spinning sessions next week.

In other news: I put my foot in my mouth at work a couple of days ago. A new girl joined the team i'm working in on monday and her job is the 2nd in charge of our team. She seemed a bit down on Tuesday so when she said she wasn't coming into work on Wednesday i said a little too enthusiastically "have a great day off".....she was going to a funeral the next day.

My mum and dad celebrate their 33rd anniversary on Saturday. For the people who haven't met them, i can say that they are two of the most amazing people on the planet and even after 33 years together, they still act like a couple of love struck kids.

The dog got a new leash this week. She likes it better than the otherone. How do i know that? Because she doesn't pull on the leash as much as before as this one is a little longer.

I'm 28 next Saturday.

I'm working this Sunday.

Yet i have next Friday off.

That's about it these days. Life just keeps rolling on as the countdown to my brother's wedding seems to be gathering speed everyday. I am really looking forward to the day and if Chris and Narelle plus myself and my future partner can have even a quarter of the happiness of my parents of the past 33 years then we'll be the happiest people on this planet.

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