Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Stav!

Happy Birthday Stav. A warm night, a cold pint and a good ol' chat.

On Saturday night i ventured down to the lovely bayside suburb of Port Melbourne to celebrate my good mate Stav's 30th birthday. I met Stav at uni during my course and i can honestly say he is one of the most genuine blokes on the planet. He is a fantastic mate and a pleasure to be around. He's always a welcome addition any time at our house and his love for football can only be matched by his love for wrestling and Chicken Parmas.

We have a bit of a barney about our footy teams now and then (basically we tell each other how shit the teams we follow are) but we always have a good laugh when we catch up. It was a warm night on Saturday as i made my way down to the 'Local' yet i was the first one there which is good cause Stav wa already there and we had a nice quiet pint together and had a good chat about the ahrd issues in life...that's code for we talked about how shit our footy teams are.

The night was filled with more of Stav's mates including a uni mate who i hadn't seen since i finished at Vic Uni. It was a fantastic night yet after about 7 beers and a couple of bourbons, i had to pull the plug on the night as i had to get to bed for the wedding of the century the next day. On the way home the taxi driver tried to rip me off by asking $50 for a fare that usually costs $35. I got the price down to $35 but he drove like a dickhead as a result. I got out on the main road and walked 10 mins to my house and fell into bed a little seedy about 1a.m. sunday.

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