I admit my blog updates whilst frequent don't have the pizazz of some other bloggers. What is so exciting about being back at home with your parents? What's so excting about being back in a city which i feel no attachment at this time in my life? How can life mean something to me when deep down i know that this is where i don't belong? How can this page entertain when compared to others whose adventures seem to crush mine into a fine powder?
Now before you think this is another self-inflicted emotional bashing on myself it isn't. It's just me trying to tell you , the 4 readers out there (though the number of actual readers is open to speculation.I'll still write stuff for here as i need an outlet) that sometimes even in the most mundane of circumstances fleeting moments of happiness come from the little things in life. In the past 24 hours it's been the little things that have propelled me forward in the face of constant questioning about my reason to be home.
Yesterday morning my Aunty Rhonda came around as she had received an iPod Shuffle for Christmas. Seen that i have had a lot of experience in the iPod world i was the natural first choice to guide Aunty into the 21st century. As hers is a shuffle and mine is a video it took me about 45 minutes to figure out the difference between uploading songs to hers and to mine. After downloading the obligatory Robbie and Bon Jovi i found myself looking over her 80's CD's which had such classics as "99 Red Balloons" and "Jessie's Girl." I used to listen to Jessie's Girl a lot and wonder why no one liked me for me? I still think like that sometimes but i just don't care about things like that anymore. It was nice to sit down with Aunty and have a chat about life and just how i'm feeling. I find myself these days just opening up to anyone that asks that simple question..is that bad?
Yesterday afternoon i went to our local mega mall to look for some stuff for work's Australia Day celebration. You had to come dressed as a famous Australian so i decided that i would go as Lleyton Hewitt. For those who don't know, Lleyton is our no.1 tennis player (which these days means nothing much) whose career is on the decline after marrying a TV soapie star and having a kid. I decided that he was the best person to go as and the accompaning photo is testament to how little preperation can get you 3rd place in the office dressup competition.
Back to the shopping centre. On my way back to the car i noticed that one of the centre's book stores was closing down due to the bohemith that is Border's Bookstore opening up at the other end of the centre. Inside was a 75% off all books sale!! Well as you know with me, that's like waiving a red rag in front of a bull so i went inside and 10 minutes later i came out with 5 books for 35 dollars. The best ones of the lot were two page turners that i know appeal to two of the readers here. The first one was 75% off "Richard Hammonds (the bloke that i know Candace likes from Top Gear) Car Confidential" and 75% off the "Official Eurovision Song Contest 50th Anniversary Book" which i know appeals to another reader...especially if i used such artists names as Mike Spiteri, Times Three and Lynn Chircop :)

With me slowly getting back into the gym and just focused on moving forward in life, it's all about looking at the details right now as the big picture can take a break for a few months. Don't worry big picture i'll be sitting down with you soon but for now life is about just enjoying the little things that come my way...
...like Sabrina's postcard that came today. I miss her.
I miss all you four readers...a lot.
...like Sabrina's postcard that came today. I miss her.
I miss all you four readers...a lot.
Gimmie that book!
Are you doing this to torture me?
At least rip off the front page and send it to Hong Kong.
Top Gear Dog is cute too!
That's FIVE readers, thank you very much!
you look more like strauchnie than lleyton
Can't believe you bought a book about the EUROVISION!! You must be sooo bored!!! :-P
Now im really starting to worry about you!
xxx ;-)
Hey - that looks a lot like your Halloween 2005 costume when you went out as a bogan!
xx, Candace.
Hmm...so our conversation on Monday night didnt rate a mention!?! Haha! Just joking :o) Hope you're well today, will chat to you soon
awwwww pudden!! i miss you too. Still haven't received yr Australia Day thing. I think it's cause I told you crt instead of close. I thought it was court as it looks like a court!!!
Sweetie...people do like you for you. That's why they like you. Especially the ones who regret not liking you for you in the beginning(you know who). Maybe you could give sparklesandcream a crack:) Although the song on her blog isn't great, I'm sure you could turn her to the boss in no time!!
luv ya miss ya
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