Today was a pretty Lazy Sunday. Here is a break down for those who can be bothered to read it.
After waking up after last nights red wine and Crowded House / Ella and Louis session. I made my way to Sab's favourite store JB HiFi. I was paid today so i headed straight to the discount DVD bin and picked up "Rock Star" for 7 dollars and "Grosse Pointe Blank" for 10. That's gotta be a bargain in anyones language..including Malti! :) I also picked up another Crowded House album.
Throughout the day i went to the gym and got reaquainted with the fitness program that was set out for me in October. I just haven't had the desire to go but now i'm at a stage where i need to go to keep me sane! What better way to work off your anxiety and frustrations then belting my big wide feet on the treadmills or feeling my abs shake like a San Fransisco earthquake on a swissball. After the gym i made my way to our local mega mall to pick up some running shorts and some gloves for weights. I've got the desire again that i had in Hong Kong to get as fit as possible. I let myself get lazy for a long time due to many reasons but now i just have to focus on sweating my ass off.
Throughout the day mum asked me to help put up the gazebo but i was waiting on a call. Ivy (my former co teacher) was at the birthday party of one of my former students (Dennis) and we were attempting to Skype and after a few false starts, we finally had a conversation. It was great to see someof the kids again (Jerry, Justina, Kiu Kiu, Wing Wing and even little Calvin) and to see how much they had grown. They still miss me and i miss them (well sometimes). I had some great times in that classroom and it's a nice feeling to know that they still know who i am after all this time.
During the day as well i had some conversations on msn with various people and then was asked to help put up a gazebo over the spa. It was just mum and I and even though i don't have a handymans bone in my body (as you know readers im not exactly the overalls covering a rippling six pack from hot hours working in the sun type) we managed to follow the instructions and 30 mins after we started with a pile of white poles on the grass, we managed to have a fantastic gazebo over the spa. I'll be seeing that spa soon after a few sessions at the gym i think.

From poles to perfection in 30 mins.
I spoke to Sab this morning and she is in Perth. Her and her mum made it over the Nullabor (which is just desert and about a 300km dead straight patch of road) which is a relief and i was glad to hear that they had both made it with no problems.
I started watching Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center" today but got about 30 mins in when i decided that i really need to sit down and watch it intently.
That was my day today. The updates here don't have the same pizzazz as days gone by but to the valued readers of this blog (it's really nice to know that you still read makes me happy) i need to keep this blog going as it's one way to vent how i'm feeling and i'm sure you would like to know how i'm feeling as well.
Have a great week everyone wherever in the world you are :)
I didn't get off the couch today!
x, candace.
lazy day for me too!
miss our cuddly sundays
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