Chris as "Reg the Bookie"
My last entry ended in similar fashion to the ending of "The Empire Strikes Back." It was a downbeat ending yet the audience knows that not the end of the total story. I was feeling very low last friday night when i was in town and i knew why, it's because i didn't feel like i fit in to my life here. The fact is i have a life here, i have family and friends and i'm lucky to say it's a big support network and i knew that i was lucky to have such a group but last tuesday really showed me how much i needed to be around them again.
It was Melbourne Cup Day a couple of days ago and this year our place hosted its 5th Cup Day Party. Each year it had gained momentum and for the two years i was away, the standard of the event had dramatically increased. So this year was billed as the biggest yet considering i was back home and there were about 25 people coming to Norwood Drive. Oue nextdoor neighbour Leigh (whose girlfriends name is Lee) says he looks forward to the day every year It's hard to justify to people outside of Australia who aren't into horse racing the signifigance of the Melbourne Cup. It's the only public holiday in the world for a horse race and the event itself is steeped in history, vibrant in fashion and fuelled by one week of total non stop partying. Even if you aren't into horse racing (like me, i just give it the occasional glance) can't help but get sucked in by the event.
Naturally before the big day there was plenty of cleaning and cooking. The event itself was held on the site of our former garage which has been rebuilt as an outdoor entertainment area. It was a perfect venue and on the plastic covers there were 10 past Melbourne Cup winners which underneath them were $1 records purchased from the Salvation Army Store as prizes for the Cup Quiz i was doing throughout the day. The usual crowd started trickling in after the first race and before you know it 25 people were outside, kept warm by the portable heater and watching the races on our big screen TV hooked up to my stereo. Just to see friends and family enjoy each others company was a sight i haven't seen in a while plus with my brother Chris as "Reg the Bookie" it all added up to a fantastic days racing and an even better days entertainment.
Throughout the day the betting increased as did the atmosphere. The buildup to the main event was thwarted by the massive amounts of food that was avaliable to eat. It really was a feast and everyone had mountains of food on their plates. As the big race got closer i asked a few of the quiz questions and the winners picked the presents off the wall. Some of the records included were Ugly Dave Grays Singalong, Ricky May's 35 Melmorable Songs and Mr's Mills Party which included the classic hit "My very good friend the milkman." With the big race starting soon and all the betting out the way (i was in a sweep with my young cousin Hayden..we had Zabeet who was at odds of 90/1 to win) it was time for the race. My horse went to the front until the 800 meter mark where it decided to make its way throught the front of the pack to park itself at the back of the field and finish dead last.
The day was a clarification that i'm very lucky to be in a family that has so many great people attached to it and that even though i may bitch about finding it hard to adjust being back home, it's not like i'm coming back to Bangladesh.
1 comment:
Hey i listened to the Banjo hits yesterday....what a treat
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