I'm re-writing this entry as i wanted to get into more detail.
Yesterday afternoon my help was summoned to my brothers fiance's sisters house. She had an old couch that was going to be donated to the salvation Army. So dad, Chris and I made tracks to Keilor Park and loaded up this 1980's couch that looked straight out of the pages of the Fussy Furniture Fellow catalouge and made our way down to the Salvo shop.
After swerving at about 60kmh to miss an oncoming cushion that fell off the trailer i was following we finally made it to the front of the Salvo shop. Now i'm a cheap bastard and always on the lookout for something that entertains me at low low prices. An example of that would be some miscellanious shoe throwing by persons under the influence (hehe..you know who you are) or an under the radar remark in the style of "Are you being served." Whislt at the store i came across a book sitting on top of a crappy old desk was the autobiography of Australias favourite quiz master Tony Barber.

Australia's favourite Quiz Master
So i decided to pick the book up and keep it for future reading. I grew up with the work of Tony and loved watching "Sale of the Century" each night. I actually saw the show taped live once on a grade six excursion to Channel Nine in Bendigo Street. Seeing the show taped live was great fun even though the set looked a lot smaller live then on TV plus the lovely models that would always show the latest wears from Commodore Computer were so far away i couldn't get a glimpse at them. What i also liked was that before most episodes before he was announced he would do this jig / jog to his little lecturn on the set which many comedy shows have taken the piss out of.
After a long run on "Sale" Tony found himself hosting another popular quiz show "Wheel of Fortune" which caused a sensation as he took over from a very popular host and the management tinkered with the show my actually tilting the wheel on an angle rather than having it flat. It wasn't all smooth sailing for Tony as the public went off the new format and numbers for the show went downward very very quickly.
Tony was given the butt for the shows failure and then managed to find himself hosting a short lived Australian production of "Jeopardy." I mean i've always wanted to see a game show of two families playing tenpin bowling for cash or just people playing paper, rock, scissors for prizes and if i can get Tony away from local club venues where he belts out another classic from his albums them i'm sure he would be interested.
After a long run on "Sale" Tony found himself hosting another popular quiz show "Wheel of Fortune" which caused a sensation as he took over from a very popular host and the management tinkered with the show my actually tilting the wheel on an angle rather than having it flat. It wasn't all smooth sailing for Tony as the public went off the new format and numbers for the show went downward very very quickly.
Tony was given the butt for the shows failure and then managed to find himself hosting a short lived Australian production of "Jeopardy." I mean i've always wanted to see a game show of two families playing tenpin bowling for cash or just people playing paper, rock, scissors for prizes and if i can get Tony away from local club venues where he belts out another classic from his albums them i'm sure he would be interested.
I still think of the late show "fat lot of good you were Barber" In High School drama we decided to re-enact a gameshow and we did tony barber. He's so easy to make fun of
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