Thursday, August 03, 2006

On the lighter side of life...

It seems i have found a blast from my Thai past.

Hello once again from Bangkok or known by its other name as the "City of Angels."

Sab and i are not cool. Sorry to dissapoint you all but we aren't. How did we come across this revelation? Well from our hotel to get to Kho Sahn Road we have to go through the 'United Travellers Connection' which contains uber-cool Europeans with dark brown skin (mostly Israeli's). As we walk through it we feel as Sab put it "like the nerdy kids walking past the cool group." Now Sab and I are a couple of happy-go-lucky little Vegemites who have no interest in getting our hairbraided, going on treks, taking recreational drugs or hanging out with people of the same race. It's like being in Grade 6 all over again. You know the feeling (unless you were one of the cool kids then you would never know what it's like) of "Hey i'm an alright sort of a person but what do they have that i don't?" The answer - A better exchange rate and culture coming out of every pore of their sun drenched skin. So while they talk about something they got for 2 pounds, Sab and i with our Hong Kong Dollar would have to pay the equivalent of 10 pounds for the same thing.

So the United Travellers Connection is a hotbed of European action where as Sab and I know how to kick it by staying in our room and watching an illegal copy of "The Break Up" on our little portable DVD player. Who's cool now you Eurotrash snobs?!

Last night as i was cleaning out my backpack i came across a little notepad from Tropical Murphy's on Koh Samui. In it there are a number of jokes that myself, Sabrina and Candace made up over various beverages last Easter. In a former Tin Shui Wai Update i mentioned a few of these. Since there is nothing new to update for you today here is the complete list of the silly European jokes we made up. Most of these are taking the mickey out of the Swedes. Any Sweden lovers avert your eyes now...

Though we do to have a small crack at the French so that makes up for it.

Here they are:

- What is the favourite song of a Swedish Elvis fan? Blue Swede Shoes

- What do you get when you cross the Beatles with a Swedish Car? A Saab Days Night

- What do you call a Swede who has found Christ? A Born a Sven Christian

- What do you get when you cross a Swede with the Flintstones? Abba Dabba Doo!!

- What do Swedes call a flash of inspiration? A good Ikea.

- What do you get when you cross a Swede with a Chinese? Sweden Sour.

- Whats a Swedish Guns and Roses fans favourite song? Swede Child O' Mine.

- What did the Swedish mum say to her child at the supermarket? Don't forget to take the Stockholm.

- What did the Dutch guy say to his girlfriend as they were making out? I'm all Hans.

- What did the Russian man say to his wife afer she laughed at him for falling over? You wipe that Smirnoff your face.

- What did the French Kid say after he fell over? ' Mama Eiffel! '

- What did the frenchman say to the check out chick when she was bagging his food? Baguette!

- What did the Finn say when he locked himself out of the house? 'I have Nokia.'

- What did the Danish lady say to the guy trying to steal her bag? 'Lego!'

and finally:

- What did the Finn say when he couldn't eaet anymore? "I'm Finnish.'

1 comment:

tsotsa said...

hey hey you forgot my puny contribution to that Easter list!:
-Why was ze French man looking for ze zebra crossing?
-To Cross-on (croissant?!)

Dont you just love us Europeans!! :0)