Thursday, August 17, 2006

This commercial really scared me in 1986.

When i was 6 years old i first saw this commercial and i've been scared of it ever since.

It's been 20 years since i last saw it and i was afraid to watch it.

About 30 mins ago i was just surfing the web and thought i would try my luck and see if this ad for flavoured milk was online. Sab and i were talking about nightmares we had as a kid last night and this was my biggest one by far.

Something about this ad disagreed with me when i was a young pup. It was all that lightning and crappy music i guess. The scence in the kitchen with the family terrified me as i thought something like that would happen to my mummy and daddy and big brother. I had nightmares for about a year after this commercial.

Looking back i don't know why..maybe i was just a little sissy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now that's a BAD ad!! very creepy indeed...