I've always had a small interest in astrology. To some people it's all a bunch of rubbish about predicting finding the love of your life and being insanely rich but then again isn't that why most people read them anyway? Most days when i'm reading the paper i'll have a small read of my star sign (which is Aquarius) i'll read what the astrological svengali has to say and dismiss it as fast food astrology. You know the type, the astrology which is good for a small fix but it's nothing meaty or meaningful in the context of finding out wether i'm going to be rich or find a hot bird with all the right curves, moves and personality.
I must admit i'm one of those people who do the "Ahh" at the end of the usual exchange of information when the topic of astrology comes up...example:
"What star sign are you?"
"I'm a Gemini"
Now that "Ahh" is the sound of you thinking you know what the other persons complete astrological make up is but you have no idea at all. The reason i'm talking about all this is that on my overflowing bookshelf i came across a book i purchased on special yet never looked at which goes by the complexing title of "Zodiac." This book is written by Australia's formost astrologer Athena Starwoman who for many years in one of the weekly womens mags cast her astrological eye over the nation and dispenced her very own blend of news both good and bad to a curious nation of housewives, grandmothers, gossip groups and sometimes me.
Looking at this book i started reading about Aquarius (of course) and was surprised at what could be described as pretty darn accurate characteristics of my own personality. Here are 7 pearls of wisdom from Athena about the Aquarias male with my own little thoughts about them attatched as well.
1) He may have many mates, good friends, associates and close contacts in his life, and he often enjoys these relationships immensely, on a social superficial level than rather on a close intensley personal one. Very true, i do have a lot of freinds but most of them don't know half the stuff going on inside my head due to the next reason.
2) While there may be many times he wishes he could share his real thoughts and the private aspects of his world with others, it is unlikely that many can ever enter or share his private space. There have been millions of times i just want to burst out and tell the world what i'm feeling but afraid that no one will understand me or just shake their head and say "freak."
3) Women number among some of his greatest friendships. Sab, Cass, Candace, Mart, Louise, Nikki, Carly ..need i say more.
4) He is totally different from other men, so operates with a different set of criteria in every department of his life. I'm a guy but i've never been a "guy's guy" so for better or worse i'm not sure but i ain't gonna change.
5) His patience, tolerance and amiability give the impression he's tranquil to the core, but his behaviour rarely reflects what's really going on beneath the surface. I do keep a lot of stuff bottled up inside that only very few people are aware of.
6) He treats everyone with the same amount of respect, curiosity and ease, and people who normally uncomfortable with strangers respond to him like a long lost friend. I do have something that makes meeting new people pretty easy for me and i like that. People who i have met and people who i have known for years all stay on the same level of respect, curiosity and ease unless they piss me off and when i'm pissed off i get really really pissed off.
7) It is easy for him to offend or upset others. Oh bugger me where does this list begin???
I was going to do 10 but i was getting tired. There's also a lot of other stuff about love, career, family, spiritual and other bits and pieces but it's all too long and boring for you guys to read. I read most of Sab's info (Aries) and she and i agreed that both of our astrological profiles had some substance to their words.
So the question has to be asked....what star sign are you?
7) It is easy for him to offend or upset others. Oh bugger me where does this list begin???
I was going to do 10 but i was getting tired. There's also a lot of other stuff about love, career, family, spiritual and other bits and pieces but it's all too long and boring for you guys to read. I read most of Sab's info (Aries) and she and i agreed that both of our astrological profiles had some substance to their words.
So the question has to be asked....what star sign are you?
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