Speed..Speed..give me what i need!
Yes that's me earlier this afternoon at Sentosa Island racing down the hill on the Sentosa Luge. No it wasn't a race between me and Sab, i was just trying to go as fast as i can and not use the brakes at all. I mean that's the whole point of these things right?
To wind the clock back, just after our last update, Sab and i had a delightful meal of bread, garlic cheese topped with vegemite. Sure it's no Beijing Duck but the combination was surprisingly flavoursome. It was a quiet night as well as we decided to stay in and have a quiet beer (yes...Sab had a James Boags . That's her favourite) and also a quick game of pool out the back as well. The place where we are staying hasa very hostelian vibe that i enjoy. The crowd here seems to be a bit less welcoming to people as in other places though. The two nights that we've been here there have just been clumps of groups around the place. Do we not know something about this place or do Sab and i just smell?
Anyways this morning after half my scrambled eggs fell off my plate at brekky time, we decided to head down to the market. On the way we stopped into 7-11 where i gazed upon something close to liquid gold...Strawberry Big M's! Oh the sweet sweet taste of the Strawb took me back to the Norwood Drive Milk Bar after a hard day at St. Peters Primary School. we havent had one since 2004! At the market it was time for me to purchase a new toiletries bag as my other one was on its last legs.Well i saw this bag that was the right size to squeeze into my backpack...and it was a Superman bag too! So now the Man of Steel is looking after my soap and shaving stuff..lord help him!
Today we ventured on the efficient subway system to Sentosa Island which is Singapores answer to Brisbanes South Bank. Whilst the man made beaches are fantastic and the water blue as the sky above, the greatest thing about this place is that you actually feel like you are out of the city. The people are so relaxed and friendly that leaving this place is getting harder and harder as time passes.
Also on Sentosa we ventured to the Southermost Point of Continental Asia. Sure a rocky outcrop would not appeal to many people (including the person sitting next to me at this internet cafe) but Teddy Richards and Sabrina's Mascot Kimba got their picture togeter on tihs historical well...rock.
So tonight we are taking it easy as we have an early flight to Myanmar tomorrow and depending on internet access ill try to keep this posted as up to date as i can.
Gees Singapore is great.
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