Yeah i'm 27 now and i with this i have gained a new found sense of maturity...not.
My 27th birthday was a celebatory weekend filled with quiet moments and also crazy dares. Well considering i have never had dares to accomplish on my birthday i thought it was a crazy thing to do. The above picture was part of a series of dares that i had to accomplish but more on that later.
My birthday (which was last Friday) started out with a call from my Aunty Rhonda at 6.15am. Now my family is known for their early early morning phone calls so i was quite lucky that i got to sleep in till 6.15!
After a morning of phone calls which included mum and dad, i made my way to school where my morning kids wished me a happy birthday. Well it wasn't much a of a surprise as i reminded them all week that my birthday was on Friday. Anyways in the afternoon Sabrina and th afternoon kids surprised me with a birthday card and a cake which was really sweet. It was the best birthday i have celebrated ever!* (* = in a workplace situation)
Friday night Sab and i sat on the couch and destroyed all the chocolates sent to me as a present by Aunty Rhonda. I would also like to say a big thank you to Gran, Aunty Di & Aunty Loz for their presents (and they all fit thank you very much!) Also i would like to thank Louise for your lovely birthday card.
So Saturday rolls around and after a lovely lunch with some of my Chinese teachers it was out to dinner in the city with Sab and a few friends. After a lovely meal it was time to go out for a few drinks and also it was time to complete my birthday dares. Its a tradition in Hong Kong in our little group of friends to do some dares on your birthday. The dares that i had to accomplish were:
1. Get a condom off a woman - This took half an hour as it seemed that all the woman in Lan Kwai Fong suddenly became quiet. I finally got one off a drunk English girl.
2. Get three telephone numbers off women - Luckily the three Philipino ladies near the bar were nice enough to give me theirs.
3. Expose my chest (boobs and all) on the dancefloor. The above photo says it all
4. Walk out of the toilet with 2ft of toilet paper out of my jeans and go up to a woman and say "I had a good sh*t"
5. Go up to the largest guy i the room and ask him "Where can i meet men around here?" The guy was nice enough to tell me to "Propaganda. Up the hill and on the left" I was lucky to come out of that with my teeth and testicles.
6. Get to a bar and say "Who is the birthday Ho? I am! I am the birthday Ho!"
7. Go up to an attractive woman (yeah i know) and say "Whats up Doc? Hows your cock? Nothing wrong. Long and strong."
Needless to say i completed all these tasks and the night ended up at a Karaoke bar singing away till about 4am.
It was a lovely birthday and i'm thinking that next year i'd like to keep my shirt on.
And yes Dad, i remember what happened otherwise this blog wouldn't have been possible. I appreciate the sentiment though.
Have a great Valentines Day everyone or as it is known here at school "Friendship Day"
Mark - Good to see you enjoyed yourself on your birthday. Somehow I don't think I will print your blog off for Gran - I will just tell her you had a good night.
Lozzie's birthday on Friday - the old chook will be, well, older. I suppose it beats the alternative!
Ciao honeybun - Auntie Di. xx
Happy Birthday, although I have to say that the photo did give me a fright!!!
I will not be doing a dare birthday ever despite next year turning 40!!! OMG I remember going to your dad's 40th
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