Steve Jobs
Chief Executive Officer
Apple Computer
He co-founded Apple
He gave the world the Graphical User Interface
He gave the world the Apple Macintosh
He gave us the Apple iPod
He produced a computer the equivalent of a Holden Camira
I was lucky enough to purchase that model.
Now Steve Jobs has been someone that i have been intrigued by since i was about 18. Honestly part of the reason i switched to the iBook was because of what he was able to do with the Apple brand. I got suckered in by the iBooks looks, software and also the belief that i was somewhat 'different' by switching my computers allegiances to a company with a world wide computer share of 5%
With this weeks Macworld Expo confirming the switch of Apple from IBM Power PC's to Intel's Dual Core processors, the question "Will i buy another Mac now that the company has switched to Intel?"
Answer - HELL NO
You see Steve, while you tout the new iMacs and laptops i have been burned by the lack of reliability of your G3 ibook. So for the laptop i purchased has:
- Broken down 7 times since July 2003
- Each time has been a faulty logic board
- One time my wireless card was faulty which was draining power from my display which caused in to be literally dark.
- I live over an hour away from the service centre by the way
Also my 20GB iPod was replaced 4 times because it kept freezing up. When it went missing after a guy in Vietnam decided not to give it back to me after i left it with him to upload songs to it over night, i purchased an iPod mini in Singapore and that has actually surprised me and up until Christmas hadn't caused me any troubles until Thailand.
So Steve i would like to say. Your Apple Computer Company can go and get stuffed. I will not be purchasing another mac product and my next laptop will be a PC. But ill try to run your software on it though, that i admit kills Microsoft.
Next time i won't be "thinking different"
I'll be "just thinking"
1 comment:
I understand as I have been suffering your trials and tribulations.As you know, in 12 months, my IPOD also broke down 4 times.I think it is an apple conspiracy.They want you to buy new hardware every year so they make sure it breaks down & hope that you will disregard that their hardware is s#it & upgrade because their software is good.Lucky I bought a Toshiba huh?
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